The NDPG has been asked to attend the Celebration of Life ceremony at the Scheels Arena for the Fallen Officer/ MN National Guard from Fargo Jake Wallin.
Where: Scheels Arena in Fargo, 5225 - 31 Ave, So, Fargo, ND
Briefing: 10:45 AM at the main entrance outside.
Flagline: 11:00 AM. Due to high temps I�m hoping will can do the Flagline on the inside of the main entrance. And looking into a Flagline somewhere inside around the arena when the ceremony starts.
Ceremony start time is 1:00PM.
Dismissal following the Ceremony.
Remember to bring your 3x5 Flags. Be self sufficient. This will be a rain or shine mission. Be prepared in case we need to be outside as it will be hot.
Parking will be at the Cashwise paring lot one block west of Scheels Arena. It is at the intersection of Veterans Blvd and 32nd Ave East, West Fargo 755 31 Ave East, W Fargo. If someone is caging that would be willing to settle people from parking to the arena, it would be helpful.
RCIC: Frank Herbert
Upcoming two part mission Balta ND and Mandan ND.
Thursday 4-20 2023 and Friday 4-21-2023
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Vietnam Army Veteran Pvt E-1 Neil Mack.
Part one: Funeral on Thursday 4-20-2023 at Balta ND.
Where: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Catholic Church
301 Main St. Balta ND 58313.
Stage at the church at 9:45 am ct. We will stand a flagline until the service starts at 10:30 am ct.
Chuck Wood will be RCIC
Part two: Friday 4-21-2023
The burial will be at the NDVC south of Mandan ND at 2:00 pm ct. I am working with the funeral home for a possible staging point and motorcycle escort from Mandan to the NDVC. Please watch for updates to this post. Those caging meet at the NDVC at 1:45 pm ct.
Arlen Halverson RCIC
These are both rain or shine missions, so please bring what you need to be self-sufficient and remember your 3X5 flags.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Vietnam Navy Veteran Charles G Degenstein. Charles served from 1974-1978 and reached the rank of FTMS. This is a one part mission. Burial is at 2:00 pm ct, so stage no earlier than 1:45 pm ct south of the chapel at the NDVC. We do not want to interfere with any other service that may be going on. We will stand a flag line during the service.This is a rain or shine mission and remember your 3×5 flags.
Craig Haug will be the RCIC.
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020
Heads up mission in Grand Forks, June 2nd.
Place: Ralph Engelstad Arena.
Briefing: 9:45 AM Main Entrance Outside Around the corner south. This briefing will HAVE VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
Flag Line 10:00 AM. This flag line may need to be mobile.
Bring your 3X5 Flag. Bring water, sunscreen, etc. Be self sufficient. I have been informed masks are not required. Be sure to park in the public parking. REA will be posting these areas. I hope to be able to park bikes in a small parking lot on the south side by the main entrance.
The NDPG has been requested by the Family of Police Officer for the City of GF/1st Lieutenant in the ND National Guard Cody Holte. Cody was tragically killed in the line of Duty. More info will be updated Monday. As of now the funeral is June 2nd at the Ralph Engelstad Arena. Visitation from 10:00am-12:00 with the funeral at 1:00 pm. Social Distancing will be observed, the funeral home does recommend face masks.
Bruce Burgess, RCIC
Friday, June 5, 2020
We will be honoring Kenneth Faulkner who served his country for 26 years. He was a B52 tailgunner and aircraft mechanic during the Vietnam conflict. This will be a graveside service held at Highland Home Cemetery, just north of Jamestown, on US 281. He will be interred in the new part of the grounds which is just on the west side of the frontage road along the highway. Be ready to stand flagline at 2:30. The service is scheduled for 3 pm. Anyone from out of town who isn't familiar can lete know and, maybe, we can meet at Loaf-n-Jug, on the north end of Main and ride out together.
Right now, Friday looks to be cooler with temps in the upper 70s but be prepared with water, bug spray and sunblock, if needed.
Thank you, Monte Rodacker RCIC
The NDPG will be doing the May monthly ride/visit to the NDVC south of Mandan on Saturday May 23rd. We will stage at GWOT memorial at Fraine Barracks in Bismarck (north of the east end of Memorial bridge) at 10:30 am ct. We will leave for cemetery at 10:45 am ct. We will be doing something special also as we will help with the presentation of one or two Honor and Remember Flags. This is a rain or shine event. With the covid-19 going on, we will want to be aware of social distancing practices.
Arlen Halverson NDPG SC
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The ND PGR has been invited to honor the life and service of Conan Magilke
With the approval from Weigel funeral home and Veterans Cemetery, we are allowed to assemble and have flag lines at both places. We are also welcome to participate in the escort/procession either with motorcycle or vehicle.
It's all about respect and honoring our military families. Your presence is appreciated. If you are available to stand in a flag line, at either or both the Weigel funeral and Veterans cemetery, it would be greatly appreciated.
Weigel flag line starts assembling at 10:00 am for the 10:30 funeral services. As soon as the funeral services begin, the flag line is dismissed.
Veteran Cemetery flag line starts assembling at 11:45 am for the 12:00 services. As soon as the internment services begin the flag line is dismissed.
We will comply to COVID-19 social distance for all involved. If it appears there is a threat of social distancing, please break away.
Thank you,
Please refer to the Weigel’s Funeral Services web site:
Monday, February 17, 2020
The introduction news conference for the Western North Dakota Honor Flight will be held at the Bismarck Airport at 1:00pm, Monday, February 17th. The NDPG is invited to attend this news conference. Bring your 3x5 flags to the upper level by the security gates. There will be signs directing us to the conference room.
This is the kick off for this new honor flight group serving Western North Dakota. I have the honor of serving on the board of directors for the WNDHF. We are planning our first flight later this year in October.
Please get the word out and RSVP me if you can attend.
James T. Avard
January 25, 2019
Wreaths Across America wreath removal will begin at 10 am.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
SERVICES: Funeral services will be held at 11:30 am at the Good Shepard Lutheran Church; 106 Osage Ave, Bismarck (corner of N Washington St and Divide Ave; across from the YMCA). Burial is 3:00 pm at the ND Veterans Cemetery, Mandan.
EXECUTION: The ND Patriot Guard has been requested to join in honoring the life and service of John Putz. Flag lines will be held at the church and the Veteran Cemetery. Those that plan to participate in the flag line(s), please assemble 20 minutes prior to the services with flags.
Master Sergeant John Putz served 38 years with the ND Army National Guard with duties in Central America, Europe and deployment to Afghanistan.
RCIC: Dave Mills (426-0873) Please call or text me if participating in this mission. If you need a flag please let me know by Wednesday. Thank you in advance for your participation.
WEATHER: 24 degrees and cloudy.
We will stand a flag line in the church lobby if there is room and the veteran chapel if services are held inside.
Link to John’s obituary: https://www.eastgatefuneral.com/obituary/john-putz
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Mission: Flagline Tuesday, January 14th, Saint James Basilica, 622 1st Ave S, Jamestown, ND
Stage 8:45 AM at front of the church.
Flag line 9-10 AM
Stand down at 10 AM during service
Flag line at conclusion of service at approximately 11 AM
This a snow, wind, blizzard or shine mission, please monitor the weather and dress for the weather. Current temperature prediction is 0 to -10 plus windchill.
Dress warm for the weather, bring your 3x5 flag/poles
RCIC: George Quigley
Deidra Brown passed away on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at Sanford Hospital in Fargo, ND. Visitation will be Monday, January 13 from 3 to 5 pm at Eddy’s Funeral Home in Jamestown, ND. That evening a prayer service and rosary will be held at 7 pm at the Basilica of St. James. A mass of Christian burial will be at 10 am on Tuesday, January 14 at the Basilica.
Deidra was born on October 14, 1956 to Robert and Jane (Coty) Steller in Vermillion, SD. Deidra honed her nurturing skills as a member of a big family. She was the oldest child, followed by three sisters and two brothers. She learned early to share, be kind and to listen to those around you.
Her family moved to Jamestown in 1975 and she enrolled at Jamestown College to pursue a teaching degree. She graduated in 1979 and landed her first teaching job of first grade at St. John’s Academy in Jamestown. It was the start of a career she loved and excelled at – helping develop young children with traditional learning and life skills. When she married Richard (Dick) Brown at the Basilica, her 37 students served as honorary ring bearers and flower girls. Her entire class followed her down the aisle as she wanted to share her happiness with each of them.
The Brown family were blessed with three children – Philip, Tara and Gregory. After Philip’s birth, Deidra gave up her teaching career and started a day care in their home in order to spend as much time as possible with her kids. She taught her day care kids school lessons, manners and did field trips around town. On Holy Days, she was known to take the children to Mass, where they would quietly sit in the pews. She was truly gifted with handling children. Many of those babies had babies of their own, and they often stopped by her home to visit and catch up.
Deidra gave up her day care after 30 years and officially became a volunteer. And boy did she volunteer! First, at the All Vets Club and more recently at Ava Maria Village, Eventide and Roseadele. In her spare time, you would find her at a daily workout at Legacy Fitness Center.
She served as extraordinary minister of Holy Communion for many years. She was devout and committed to her calling. Deidra loved the residents and gifted them with special treats and treasures. She gave away rosaries and crosses she made to all in the places she served. She was a prayer warrior.
Deidra was a Gold Star Mother who lost her first-born son, Philip, in 2004 while he served our country in Iraq. She was also preceded in death by her mother, Jane, her father-in-law, Jack Brown, her sister Deanna Schmidt, brother-in-law Michael Schmidt, nephew Jordan Schmidt and niece Alicia Stratford.
Her survivors include her husband of 40 years, Dick; her children Tara and Greg; her father Robert; sisters Donnette (Mark) Hermes and Denise Coty; brothers Blain (Laurie) and Brock (Holly); mother-in-law Mirt Brown; sisters-in-law Jacquie (Chris) Stratford, Jill (Richard) Newark and Barbara Brown; goddaughter Narrah Newark, godson Tyler Monson; several nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews.
Deidra signed her emails with her favorite saying: "Nothing is worth more than this day." She lived her life fulfilling those words.
Memorial gifts will honor her service and commitment to Ava Marie Village, St. James Basilica and St. John’s Academy (FACE).
LOCATIONS: Mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 806 E Broadway, Bismarck and burial at 1:00 p.m. at the ND Veterans Cemetery, Mandan.
The ND PGR has been invited to honor the life and service of Sergeant Frederick Jaszkowiak. Due to the inclement weather, flag lines will be held inside the church and the NDVC chapel. Those that plan to participate in the flag line, please assemble 20 minutes prior to the services.
Frederick Jaszkowiak was drafted in to the US Army summer of 1969 and honorably discharged 1971. Frederick served with the 1st Armory Division in Germany.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
We have been invited to honor the life and service of SP4 Bradley Higbee on Saturday, Nov 2, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 499 4th Avenue NW, Valley City, ND. Bradley joined the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam where he was awarded the Bronze Star. Bradley passed away in his home in Buffalo on October 23.
This will be a rain, snow or shine mission. Temperatures are expected to be 30's and low 40's. Please dress for the weather and prepare to be self sufficient. Remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
Mission: Flag-line
When: November 2, 2019
Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, 499 4th Ave NW, Valley City, ND
Staging: 2:30 P.M
Flag-line: 3:00 P.M. During Visitation
Stand-down: 4:00 P.M. at start of memorial service
RCIC: George Quigley
Monday, November 4, 2019
There has been a part 2 added to the mission for Bradley Higbee.
SP4 Bradley Higbee will be laid to rest at the NDVC south of Mandan, ND for Monday, November 4th. Stage at 9:45 AM CT at the Chapel at the Cemetery. We will stand a flag line at the chapel during the small service there.
Remember your 3X5 flags and whatever you need to be self-sufficient.
John Bullinger
Sunday and Monday, October 20th and 21st, 2019
There will be an Honor Flight leaving Fargo Hector Airport on Sunday October 20 and returning Monday October 21 evening.
Mission: Flag-line, Sendoff Honor Flight
When: Sunday October 20
Staging: 6:00 A.M.
Flag-line: 6:16 A.M.
Stand-down: When all Honor Flight guests have entered secure area
Second Mission: Flag-line, Welcome Home Honor Flight
When: Monday October 21
Staging: 7:00 PM P.M.
Flag-line: When Honor Flight lands (Approximately 7:50 P.M.
Stand-down: After all Honor Flight guests have de-planed
This will be an indoor mission. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
We have been asked to park in long-term parking to leave short term for the guests.
Thank you.
Tony Krogh
NDPG Ride Captain
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
We have been invited by the family to honor the life and service of U.S. Army veteran Timothy David Engh, Sr. on Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. at the National Cemetery near Fargo, North Dakota. Timothy served during the Vietnam war in Korea on the DMZ. He passed away on November 10, 2016 at the Fargo VA Hospital.
Mission: Flag-line
When: Tuesday October 15, 2019
Location: Fargo National Cemetery, 8709 40th Avenue North, County Road 20, Harwood, ND. (5 miles West of I-29 on County Road 20)
Staging: 1:30 P.M.
Flag-line: 2:00 P.M.
Stand-down: At conclusion of ceremony
This will be a rain, snow, or shine mission. Please dress appropriate for the weather and be self sufficient. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
RCIC: Frank Hebert
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Staging at 10:00 am
Flag line set 10:15 am
Funeral begins at 11:00
Military honors following service
Dismissal approximately 12:00 noon
Thank you in advance for your participation. Please bring your 3x5 flags and dress accordingly.
Mitchell Bernard Rapp, 70, passed away on Thursday, September 5, 2019 surrounded by his family at the Fargo VA Hospital. Mitch was born on August 4, 1949 at St. John’s Hospital in Fargo, North Dakota.
Mitch was drafted into the United States Army in 1969 and served in the Vietnam war for just under four years. He was a hard worker throughout his life, starting his career at a local Piggly Wiggly grocery store at the age of 16. His career flourished, which inspired him to own his own store in Enderlin, ND, called “Rapp’s Jack & Jill, Home of Rock-n-Roll Groceries.” Some of his greatest accomplishments outside of his five daughters were being the mayor of Enderlin, ND, fire chief, and founder of Papa Rapp’s Race Car museum. He married his wife, Cynthia Rapp (Wurzer), in 1988. Mitch had a passion for drag racing throughout his life and following his retirement from Nash Finch in 2013 he continued his love of cars by purchasing a 1968 Chevy Nova he named “Novacane.” He will be remembered by his culinary skills, handy work, and green thumb abilities. He was a sports enthusiast, lover of rock and roll, and enjoyed collecting cookie jars and restaurant menus from all over the world. For those who knew him best, his legacy will be known as a fun boss, proud father and grandfather, loving brother, and dependable husband.
He is preceded in death by his father Leland John Rapp, mother Bernice Elizabeth Noll (Korte), sister Geri Lynn Mortenson, and grandson Jonah Raider Lehfeldt.
Mitch is survived by his wife Cynthia of Fargo, ND; sister Kiara (Kevin) Schroeder of Moorhead, MN; daughters Autumn (Steve) Hareland of Horace, ND, Michelle (Jamie) Wadeson of Argusville, ND, Kelley (Trevor) Lehfeldt of Brandon, SD, Erica Rapp of Fargo, ND, Andrea Rapp of Apple Valley, MN; 12 grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.
RCIC Frank Hebert/Dave Pagel
Saturday, September 14, 2019
We will be doing the September monthly ride on Saturday, 9-14-2019. Stage at Cenex/Subway 4426 memorial hwy in Mandan, ND 58554 at 11:45 am. We will leave for NDVC south of Mandan at noon.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
Friday, September 13, 2019
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Navy Vietnam Veteran petty officer second class Marvin Kraft on September 13, 2019.
Marvin Kraft
DOB: 2/26/1947
DOD: 2/7/2019
US Navy
Petty Officer Second Class
Marvin Kraft served in the US Navy from October, 1965 until his honorable discharge in September, 1971. He served in Fighter Squadron 41 and was deployed on the USS Independence. After the conclusion of his military service, Marv continued his public service as a volunteer for the Lewis and Clark Search and Rescue for over 20 years.
Stage at Dans Super Value at 1:20 pm ct. We will leave for NDVC south of Mandan at 1:40 pm ct.
Those caging meet out at NDVC at 1:45, we don't want to interrupt any other Services that may be going on there.
We will then stand a Flagline at the NDVC Chapel.
This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and remember your 3x5 flags.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
Thursday, August 19, 2019
Upcoming mission at McLaughlin SD on Thursday 8-29-2019.
The NDPG and SDPGR have been asked to Honor the life of WWII and Korean Veteran Harry DeWall.
Stage at Redeemer Lutheran church
2nd St E & First Ave W
McLaughlin SD 57642 at 10:00 am mt. We will stand a Flagline until the service starts at 11:00 am mt. We will stand down during the service and will again stand a Flagline while his remains are placed in the hearse.
Harry was a Seaman Second Class in the Navy during WWII. Harry was tired of the water; since he could not swim, he joined the Army and was a Sergeant during the Korean War. This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and remember your 3X5 flags.
Arlen Halverson
NDPG Asst State Captain
He will be laid to rest at Black Hills National cemetery Sturgis, SD on Friday 8-30-2019. SDPDR will be in charge of the burial mission.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life and service of Veteran Thomas “Pat” O’Connor, 80, of Grand Forks, ND passed away Saturday, August 3, 2019 at his home in Grand Forks.
Pat enlisted in the United States Navy on January 31, 1957 at Butte, MT and served aboard the destroyer, USS Holder. He was honorably discharged from military service on June 2, 1960 at Norfolk, VA.
In October 1965, Pat transferred to the United States Department of State in Washington D.C. From December 1965 through 1967, Pat and his wife Lou were stationed in Calcutta, India. They began their next assignment in 1968 when they moved to Bangkok, Thailand. Pat was then stationed in Saigon, Vietnam from May 1969 to May 1970. His next assignment was Rio de Janeiro, Brazil until July 1972. Their last assignment with the United States Department of State was in Washington D.C.
Mission 1. (This will be a two-part mission): Provide a flag line for the Memorial Service at the Norman Funeral Home, 2950 S. Washington, Grand Forks, ND. On Thursday, August 15, 2019.
Staging/brief: 5:30 pm at the funeral home, southside.
Flag-line: 5:40 pm-7:00 pm and at conclusion of Military Honors
Stand-down: During service
Dismissal: At conclusion of services and Honors
Mission 2: Provide a flag line at the internment of our Veteran on Friday, August 16, 2019.
Staging/brief: 9:30 am at the Calvary North Cemetery, Gateway Dr. and Columbia Rd., Grand Forks, ND. Enter on the southside on 10th Ave N.
Flag-line: 9:40 am.
Dismissal: At discretion of the RC (the service will be relatively brief).
This will be a rain or shine mission. Please plan to be self sufficient. Forecast is for warm weather so be prepared to remain hydrated. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
RCIC: Jeff Peterson
August 1st, 2019
Upcoming mission for a Vietnam Veteran and fellow PGR member. Burial will be in Mountain ND. The spouse of Alfred H. Brown has requested the NDPG to provide a flag line to Honor her husband who was a Vietnam Vet and a member of the Arizona chapter of the PGR. The flag line will be at the cemetery in Mountain, ND.
Alfred H. Brown passed away from agent orange exposure last Feb 24th. Alfred was a dog handler at Ton San Nhut AB from March 1972 until April 1973. His dog's name was Lindy. He had to make the decision to have his dog euthanized or turn him over to the Vietnamese. He decided he didn't want to give his dog to the Vietnamese, so he had him put down and lived with that until the day he died. Al loved that dog and a part of him died when he put Lindy to sleep.
He was also a proud member of the AZ chapter of the PGR and it meant a lot to him to ride on missions and give respect for all of his brothers in arms. Al made 25 missions in AZ.
The time will be 1:00 pm on Aug 1st. So I will post info at that time.
Thank you Alfred H. Brown for your service to this great country. Rest in Peace you are a true Hero.
Also a Thank you to Lindy, a four legged Hero. RIP Lindy
Bruce Burgess, RC
MISSION: Fargo July 19, Tribute to Fallen Soldiers
We have been invited to join the Tribute to Fallen Soldiers on Friday, July 19th at the Fargo Elks Lodge, 3435 N. Broadway. Tribute to Fallen Soldiers will honor and remember SPC Michael Hermanson and his family Friday evening at 5:30 P.M. CDT.
We have been in contact with them and here's what we need to know. Since we were invited to join them, we follow their rules. Like Warren said this is about honoring the families of our fallen. You can fly the American flag and if flying multiple flags, you may also fly the POW/MIA flag or a branch of service flag. This is not about any certain group that decides to join them, it's about the Families.
We will stand a Flag-line during the service. This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and remember your 3X5 flags. Out of respect for the families, please cover any patches that you may have that may be offensive to the families or their guests. They raise money for this year-round to cover costs and also sell shirts to raise money. Since this mission is in support of the mission of Tribute to Fallen Soldiers, please respect their wishes as to protocol and attire.
Mission: Flag-line in support of Tribute to Fallen Soldiers
Date: Friday July 19, 2019. 4;30 P.M.
Location: Fargo Elks Lodge 3435 N. Broadway, Fargo, ND
Staging: No later than 4:30 P.M.
Flag-line: Approximately 5:00 P.M.
Ceremony: 5:30 P.M.
Stand-down: At the conclusion of the ceremony
RCIC: David Pagel Tony Krogh, NDPG
The Tribute to Fallen Soldiers Memorial Torch Motorcycle Ride is scheduled to depart Eugene, Oregon on Sunday July 14th to begin its annual trek across the country to Washington D.C arriving into Arlington National Cemetery on Sunday August 4th. This is our annual ( 22 day - 4,000 mile ) cross country motorcycle ride in which we escort the Fallen Soldiers Memorial Flame from Eugene, Oregon to Arlington National Cemetery to honor and pay tribute to America's fallen service members. As our ride procession makes its way across the country, we make scheduled stops at the homes of our fallen soldiers. These scheduled stops are what we refer to as Fallen Soldier Home Visits. At each home visit we make, we present the surviving family members with our Memorial Plaque of Distinguished Service to graciously say 'thank you' for the service members sacrifice and to remind each family their fallen hero hasn't been forgotten. This is our tenth year of doing this tribute ride and in that time, we have honored nearly 800 fallen service members. ( Post 9/11 )
Honor Mission: WW II Eugene Somers, Army, Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Rural Fergus Falls, Stavanger Church. The Family of Eugene Somers has asked us to stand in Honor at his funeral. "Gene" was a WWII Army Veteran, and a member of the greatest generation @ 96 years old, and one of the few we have left. Please come and help his Family feel our love for our Veterans.
Staging: 11:15 Stavanger Church, 27113 Stavanger Church Rd, Fergus Falls, MN 1/4 mile gravel, just off of Co Hwy 1 NE of Fergus Falls.
Briefing: 11:30 am
Flagline: 11:35 am We will hold the line until the service starts then stand down. We will reestablish the line when the service is over.
Interment: Directly after the service. The cemetery is on site at the Church.
Dismissal: At the RCIC's discretion.
RCIC Dave Brimer
Remember to be self sufficient. Bring your own water, and anything else you need.
July 19th, 2019
We have been invited to join the Tribute to Fallen Soldiers on
Friday, July 19th at the GWOT Memorial in Bismarck. Tribute to Fallen Soldiers will be honoring and remembering the lives of SFC Darren Linde and SPC Tyler Orgaard and their Families. The group will proceed to Fargo where they will honor and remember SPC Michael Hermanson and his Family Friday evening at 5:30 pm ct at Elks 260 located at 3435 Broadway North.
I was in contact with them and here's what you need to
know since we were invited to join them we follow their rules. Like Warren said, this is about Honoring the Families of our fallen. You can fly the American flag and if flying multiple flags you may also fly the POW/MIA flag or a branch of service flag. This is not about any certain group that decides to join them it's about the Families. We are welcome to join them for breakfast at the Elks club 900 S Washington st. Bismarck ND from 6:30 am ct until 8:30 am ct. They raise money for this year round to cover costs and also sell shirts to raise money. The meal is free, but I did ask if they are set up to take donations and they will take donations. There will be a ride briefing at 9:00 am ct. Kick stands up at 9:30 am ct. We will be escorted by law enforcement to GWOT at Fraine barracks where we will stand a Flagline during the service.
They will depart for Fargo at 11:30 am ct and we are welcome to join them riding to Fargo also.
I will update any changes as they happen.
This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and remember your 3X5 flags.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
July 5th, 2019
Public Mission Request
Anthony Smith, US Army
Family viewing prior to service.
Honor Guard and 21 gun salute at same location. Gathering afterwards at same location. He will be buried at a later date at the new Fargo National Cemetery.
Funeral Home/Church Name: Hanson Runsvold Funeral Home
Funeral Home/Church Address: 215 7th St S Fargo, ND.
July 5th, 2019
The Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life and service of veteran Anthony Douglas Smith on Friday July 5th, 2019 at the Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home, 215 7th Street South, Fargo, ND. Anthony served with the Minnesota Army National Guard and passed away at his home on June 28. Please join as we honor Anthony and his family during this time of loss. Burial will take place at a later date at the new Fargo National Cemetery.
Staging: 12:30 PM
Location: Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home, 215 7th St So, Fargo
Flag-line: 12:45 PM
Stand-down: 1:00 PM during service
Flag-line: At conclusion of service during Military Honors
Dismissal: At conclusion of services and Honors
This will be a rain or shine mission. Please plan to be self-sufficient. Forecast is for warm weather so be prepared to remain hydrated. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
RCIC: Frank Hebert
June 27, 2019
Event Name:
Flag Dedication/Honor Vets & Service Members
Event Location:
Bismarck, North Dakota
We'd like to formally invite the PGR to join us for our flag dedication ceremony. Our focus is also to honor all veterans, service members, and First Responders. The ceremony starts at noon this Thursday(6/27) at Professional Insurance Services/Steffes Agency. We're located at 1155 Burlington Drive in Bismarck(just across the street from Sam's Club.
This is a great opportunity to show our support for these brave soldiers who are about to leave the safety and sanctity of home and family and head off to parts unknown. I would believe our presence there will make a difference to them.
Staging: Canteen-across from the main gate of Camp Ripley
Time: 10:15AM
Briefing: 10:30AM
Enter Camp as a group: 10:45AM
Set Flag-line outside to do welcome: 11:30AM
Move flag-line inside for ceremony: 11:55AM
Dismiss after ceremony
This is a rain or shine mission so please be prepared for any contingency. Please watch the calendar for changes or updates.
This mission is in Camp Ripley so you will need photo ID| and bikers will need long sleeve shirts, over the ankle boots, gloves, brain bucket and high visibility wear.
Posted by Jim Parent Brainerd ARC
June 14, 2019
Escort mission Bismarck/Mandan ND Friday June 14, 2019. The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Vietnam Army Veteran Richard T. Fink. We will stage at Parkway funeral home (2330 Tyler Pkwy, Bismarck ND 58503) at 2:00 pm ct and leave for ND Veterans Cemetery south of Mandan at 2:15 pm ct. We will then stand a Flagline at the NDVC during the short service there. For those caging meet out at the NDVC no earlier than 2:45 pm ct because we do not want to interrupt any other Services that are going on.This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and don't forget your 3X5 flags.
Arlen Halverson, RC
June 14, 2019
There is a dedication of a flag pole in honor of our military. The location is in front of the Soup Café at 23rd St and Thayer Ave in Bismarck, ND. The dedication is scheduled for 9:00am. Staging will be at the south side of Thayer between 21 and 22 at 8:30am. I will serve as RC for this mission and request an RSVP if you will be attending. The Soup Café serves the Bismarck/Mandan community with meals and other services at no cost. Many of their customers are Veterans on limited resources.
Jim Avard, RC
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Army Veteran Lowel Johnson.
This is an escort mission to the NDVC south of Mandan.
Stage at Bismarck funeral home: 3723 Lockport St, Bismarck ND 58503 at 2:00 pm ct. We will leave for NDVC south of Mandan at 2:15 pm ct. The burial time is 3:00 pm ct. If you are caging, please meet out at the NDVC no earlier than 2:45, we do not want to interrupt any other service that may be going on there. Remember your 3X5 flags as we will stand a flagline at the chapel.
John Bullinger is RCIC
Friday, May 3, 2019
The NDPG has been asked to honor the life of Donna Halverson. She will be laid to rest with her husband Ernie Halverson, Korean Veteran, at the NDVC south of Mandan. There was already a service for Donna in Denver when she passed away a few months ago. We will escort her ashes out to the NDVC and stand a flagline for a short time.
Stage at Cenex gas station 4426 Memorial HWY, Mandan ND at 12:00 pm ct.
Leave for the cemetery around 12:20.
For those caging, meet out at the NDVC at 12:45.
Please be careful not to interrupt any other services that may be going on. This is a rain or shine mission, so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and remember your 3X5 flags.
Arlen Halverson
April 27, 2019
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Bradley Shell on Saturday 4-27-2019 at McIntosh SD. Sorry I do not have all the info on this but have known Brad since we were kids and find it harder to ask the Family all the questions that we normally ask. Bradley served in the Airforce after graduating in 1985. After his service he then served as the local sheriff, deputy sheriff and fire chief. The service is at the McIntosh school gym on main street at 11:00 am MT (please note the mountain time zone). So meet at the east side of the school at 10:00 am MT. We will stand a flagline prior to the service. This is a one part mission as he will be laid to rest on a later date. I will post updates as needed. This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
March 27, 2019
NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of
Owen E. O'Neill, US Navy
Sept 1942- Dec 1945
EM1C (Electricians Mate First Class).
Stage at St. Joseph's Catholic church (108 3rd St NE Mandan, ND 58554) at 12:30 pm ct. We will stand a Flagline until the service starts.
Burial is at NDVC south of Mandan at 3:00 pm ct. The weather sounds like we should be able to do a motorcycle escort to the cemetery.
Stage at the church at 2:15 pm ct. If caging, meet out at the NDVC at 2:45 pm ct. We don't want to interrupt any other services at the NDVC.
Remember your 3X5 flags and bring what you need to be self-sufficient.
Owen served on 7 war patrols aboard the USS Pompon SS267 (submarine service) in the Pacific Theater.
He was also aboard the USS Proteus AS 19 in Tokyo Bay for the formal surrender of Japanese Forces.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
January 28, 2019
Funeral mission in Jamestown ND Monday January 28, 2019. The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Corporal Marvin "Bubbles" Lorig. Stage at Good Shepherd Chapel Ave Maria Village 501 19th St NE Jamestown ND at 1:15 pm ct. We will stand a Flagline inside and stand down when the service starts at 2:00 pm ct. The burial will be later this spring.
George Quigley
January 19, 2019
Weather permitting, we will carefully pick up the wreaths from the cemetery on this day. The public is welcome to help us! If there is inclement weather, we'll let you know on Facebook.
Hope to see you there. We will also be doing the January monthly ride on Saturday after the wreaths are picked up. Approximately 11:00 am ct.
Arlen Halverson
January 10, 2019
The family of LCpl Riley Kuznia has invited the Patriot Guard Riders to honor the life and service of LCpl Kuznia. Riley was tragically killed in the line of duty on January 1, 2019 at the Marine Barracks in Washington D.C., serving the country he loved. Riley felt that he needed to give back to his country but also challenge his mind, body and soul, which ultimately lead him to become a United States Marine.
LCpl Kuznia will arrive in Fargo, ND at Hector International Airport on Thursday 1/10/19 at approximately 10:00 PM on Delta flight 2144. A dignified transfer will take place after which time Riley will transported to Karlstad, MN.
On Saturday 1/12/19 visitation will take place followed by a funeral service at the Tri-County High School, 303 Pembina Trail, Karlstad, MN.
Mission Stage 1: Flag-line
Date: Thursday 1/10/19
Location: Hector International Airport, FaRGO, ND
Staging: 9:00 PM Lower level terminal
Flag-line: 9:45 PM (at direction of airport security)
Stand-down: At conclusion of transfer (after family departs)
RCIC: Tony Krogh / Frank Hebert
Mission Stage 2: Flag-line
Date: Saturday 1/12/19
Location: Tri-County High School, 303 Pembina Trail, Karlstad, MN
Staging: 12:20 PM at Tri-County High School
Flag-line: 12:50 PM
Stand-down: 2:00 PM at start of service
Flag-line: at conclusion of service
Flag-line: at cemetery
Stand-down: at discretion of RCIC
RCIC: Jim Cyr, (218) 289-0543
These will be rain (snow) or shine missions. Please remember you 3X5 flags and poles. Prepare to be self sufficient regarding hydration and dress. Forecast is expected to be near zero with light winds on Thursday night and in the teens with light wind on Saturday. This is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our support and respect for LCpl Kuznia's family.
Tony Krogh
NDPG Ride Captain
December 15, 2018
The Wreaths Across America event will take place on Saturday, December 15th at 11:00 at the ND Veterans Cemetery.
The Patriot Guard will be standing a flagline at the chapel an hour prior (10:00 am ct) and during the short program before the wreaths are placed. Remember your 3X5 flags and what you need to be self-sufficient. This will be outside so dress accordingly. Also if you are unable to stand for this long you can take breaks as needed.
Also will be doing our monthly visit after the wreaths are placed. Meet at the flag poles right afterwards.
December 8 and 12, 2018
Each year American Airlines and the Gary Sinise Foundation partner to support the families of our military fallen. This year American Airlines will pick up family members at Fargo Hector International Airport on Saturday December 8th and whisk them away to meet other families to journey to Florida. They will return on Wednesday December 12th. The Patriot Guard would like to honor these family members with a flag-line at their departure and return.
December 6, 2018
We have been requested to the funeral of Kevin Beaver, who was a US Marine. His hometown was Binford, ND and his funeral will be on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 607 Whinery St NE beginning at 11:00am. Stage at the church by 10:00am to honor this veteran.
September 22, 2018
The ND Patriot Guard is requested to support celebrating the life of Grand Forks resident of SFC Jim Thiery. Funeral will be on Saturday at 11:00am at Sharon Lutheran Church, 1720 S. 20th St. Grand Forks, ND 58201 with the interment after lunch. Internment will be at
Memorial Park North Cemetery, 1003 Nth 23rd Street, Grand Forks, ND 58201
October 25, 2018
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of Joseph (Chuck) Swiftbird
Chuck served in the Navy in 1971 with rank of SAE2 and then went into the Army where he served until 1974 with rank of PVE2. We will stand a Flagline out side the chapel. Those caging meet us at the NDVC no earlier than 12:50 pm ct (we do not want to interrupt any other service).
This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient.
October 22, 2018
Honor Flight Flag Line request for Bismarck. Our vets will start showing up at 6:30am on Monday, October 22 at the Bismarck airport, we depart at 8:00am. Return is on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7:30pm to Bismarck airport.
We need to have color guards to guide people in the right direction when the veterans board the plane deplane. We will go onto the tarmac for the departure.
I will serve as RC for this Mission, please RSVP if you are going to attend this mission by replying to this post.
James Avard
September 22, 2018
The ND Patriot Guard is requested to support celebrating the life of Grand Forks resident of SFC Jim Thiery. Funeral will be on Saturday at 11:00am at Sharon Lutheran Church, 1720 S. 20th St. Grand Forks, ND 58201 with the interment after lunch. Internment will be at Memorial Park North Cemetery, 1003 Nth 23rd Street, Grand Forks, ND 58201
Staging tomorrow afternoon at 1:00pm at DaWise-Perry Funeral Home parking lot on the Strip in Mandan, the address is 4614 Memorial Highway.
His burial is scheduled for 2:00pm. This request is for escort from the funeral home to the cemetery only with a brief flagline as his remains are carried from the hearse to the chapel at the cemetery. The temperatures should be mid to upper 60's with a light wind, should be a nice ride! If you have a flag mount on your bike, this is a great time to use it!
August 31, 2018
The North Dakota Patriot Guard has been asked to Honor the life of Korean War Navy Veteran Joseph Heinzman.
Stage at the Spirit of Life church parking lot (801 1st St. SE Mandan ND)
at 2:30 pm ct. For those riding motorcycle we will escort from Mandan to the NDVC south of Mandan on 1806. Those caging meet us at the cemetery. Please do not get there before 2:45 we do not want to interrupt any other services. We will stand a Flagline at the cemetery. Remember your 3X5 flags.
This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
August 10, 2018
The NDPG has been asked to help the NDNG Survivor Outreach Services with their "We will Never Forget" retreat.
We will meet and greet the Families as they arrive from 3:00 to 6:00 pm ct at the Ramada Bismarck hotel (1400 E. Interchange Ave Bismarck ND). Also as done last year if anyone wants to bring their motorcycles with flags on them we can park a few of them by the main entrance on the north side.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
August 2, 2018
The Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life and service of U.S. Army veteran John F. Johnson, Jr. John passed away on Wednesday July 25. He joined the Army in 1972 and served as an air traffic controller with the 8th Infantry Division Pathfinders from 1973 - 1975. Funeral services will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 523 4th Ave SE, Jamestown, ND.
Staging: 523 - 4th Ave SE, Jamestown 12:45 PM
Flag-line: 1:00 PM
Stand down: 2:00 PM when service begins
Dismissal: At direction of RCIC
RCIC: Vern Blerke
Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles. Plan to be self sufficient according to the weather.
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
July 20, 2018
The Patriot Guard has been invited by the family of USMC Marvin C. "Bud" Hein to join in honoring the life and service of Bud on Friday July 20 at 11:00 A.M. at the St. Thomas City Cemetery. Bud joined the United States Marine Corps and served during WWII. He was stationed in Okinawa, Japan where he was wounded. He was awarded the Purple Heart medal Bud passed away on July 2, 2018 at the age of 91. His ashes will be interred in the St. Thomas City Cemetery. Bud was preceded in death by his wife Betty Hein. Betty's ashes will also be interred on July 20 at 10:00 A.M. in the St. Thomas Cemetery also.
Mission: St. Thomas City Cemetery, St. Thomas, ND
Staging: 9:30 A.M. at cemetery
Flag-line: 10:00 A.M. for the family service for Betty Hein followed by service for USMC Marvin C. "Bud" HeinDismissed: At conclusion of service and military honors
RCIC: Tony Krogh, (701) 799-0978
July 19, 2018
The NDPG and SDPGR have been asked to Honor the life of WWII Veteran Robert Tomac. Robert served in the Navy 1945-1947
Stage: The Catholic Church in Watauga SD (11 miles west of McIntosh on highway 12) at 9:00 am mt. We will stand a Flagline until the service starts and then stand down. After the service Robert's remains will be carried to the cemetery at the east edge of town. So we will idle out and park by the gate and be standing a Flagline at the cemetery when they get there.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
July 6, 2018
This is a two part mission.
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of SPC-4, E-4 Alexander L. Hager.
Alexander served in the Army 1973-1976.
1: Funeral is at 11:00 am ct at Parkway funeral home in Bismarck ND (2330 Tyler Parkway).
We will stage at Parkway funeral home at 10:00 am ct and stand a Flagline until the service starts.
2: The burial is at the NDVC south of Mandan at 2:00 pm ct. So we will stage back at the funeral home at 1:00 pm ct. We will do an escort to the NDVC. Those caging meet us at the chapel at the NDVC no earlier than 1:45 pm ct (we do not want to interrupt any other services). Also we will be on the interstate for a few miles. It's a 60 mph zone but we should be safe running 45 to 50.
This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
June 30, 2018
The NDPG has been asked to honor the life of WWII Vet Charles G Hoenke of Grafton ND.
Charles G Hoenke, age 92 of Grafton,ND died Tuesday June 26th,2018 at the Altru Hospital of Grand Forks ND. Charles G Hoenke was born January 23, 1926 in Grafton,ND. The son of the late Alfred and Louise (Horn) Hoenke. He attended rural school near Grafton and graduated from Grafton High Schools. Following his education he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He served in the Sixth Marine Division. Their Division received the Presidential Unit Citation for the Battle on Okinawa which lasted 82 days. Following his discharge in 1946 he returned home and started farming with his father. Charles was united in marriage to Ardella Holt on September 23,1948 at South Trinity Lutheran Church. The couple made their home on the farm near Grafton. Charles also worked as a mechanic at International Harvester dealership, Grafton Auto Electric and later Norris Sando. He retired from farming in 1986 and then helped area farmers for several years.
Funeral Service at the Zion Lutheran Church In Grafton ND. 1100 Hill Ave.
Briefing at 9:15 am.
Flag Line at 9:30am. Until start of service at 11:00 am.
Flag line again at the end of the service about 1 hour.
Dismissal after service, possible flag line at Interment which will be at South Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, rural Grafton. Military rites will be provided by the Grafton American Legion Post and the US Marine Corps Funeral Honors.
Remember to bring your 3x5 flags. Be self sufficient. Temps in the 80's so dress accordingly.
RCIC: Bruce Burgess: (I'm hoping to be able to make. But will have to cage it.)
June 29, 2018
The NDPG has been asked to Honor the life of SGT Walter R. Buck WWII and Korean war veteran. Walter served in the Army and was 100 years old when he was called home. This is a two part mission;
1: Funeral is at 11:00 am ct Friday 6-29-2018 at the Weigel funeral home (309 4th Ave NW Mandan ND). Stage at 10:00 am ct at the funeral home and stand aFlagline until the service starts.
2: Burial is at 2:00 pm ct at the NDVC south of Mandan on ND1806. Those riding motorcycles line up for the escort by 1:15 pm ct. Those caging meet at the NDVC chapel no earlier than 1:45 pm ct we do not want to interupt any other services. We will stand a Flagline there also.
This is a rain or shine mission so bring what you need to be self-sufficient and don't forget your 3X5 flags.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
May 20-21, 2018
Our next Honor Flight will be leaving Fargo Hector Airport on Sunday morning bound for Washington, DC. Approximately 80 veterans will travel to Washington for a whirlwind trip during which they will visit numerous memorials. The Patriot Guard will present a flag-line in their honor as they prepared to leave on Sunday and also to welcome them home on Monday. Please join us as we support our veterans.
Sunday May 20 Mission
Staging: 5:30 A.M. Upper level Fargo Hector Airport Terminal
Flag-line: 6:00 A.M.
Stand-down: After all Honor Flight participants have cleared security
Monday May 21 Welcome Home Mission
Details will follow as available. Typically staging is between 6:00 - 7:00 P.M.
These will both be inside missions. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
May 14, 2018
The North Dakota Patriot Guard has been requested by the family to honor the life and service of U.S. Navy and U.S. Army veteran Duane Nelson. Duane entered the U.S. Navy in 1954 and served until 1962. Then he served in the U.S.Naval Reserves (Seabees) from 1972 until 1980. He joined the U.S. Army Reserve full-time in 1980 and retired in 1990.
Location: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 106 Osage Avenue, Bismarck, ND
Staging: 9:00 AM Monday, May 14, 2018, at the church
Flagline: 9:30 AM at the church, standing down during the service, then reforming when he is brought out to the hearse.
Escort: Leaving the church at 12:15 PM to the N.D. Veteran's Cemetery for burial at 1:00 PM
RCIC: Norm Westbrook.
May 3, 2018
The North Dakota Patriot Guard has been requested by the family of veteran Glenn DeVold. Glenn passed away on April 27 in Altru Hospital. A memorial service will be held at Norman Funeral Home Chapel, 2950 So. Washington, Grand Forks. Interment will be at the Columbarium of Memorial Park North Cemetery, 1003 N 23rd St, Grand Forks. Military Honors will be accorded by the North Dakota National Guard and American Legion Post 157
Staging: 9:00 A.M. at Funeral Home
Visitation; 9:30 A.M.
Funeral: 10:30 A.M.
Flag-Line: 9:30 A.M.
Stand Down: 10:30 A.M.
This will be rain or shine mission. Please plan to be self sufficient. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
April 15, 2018
The North Dakota Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life of veteran Arvid Terry of Grandin North Dakota. Arvid is the father of former Ride Captain and great friend Teresa Terry. Here are the mission details as follows.
Sunday April 15 - Visitation
Location: West Funeral Home, 321 Sheyenne St, West Fargo, ND
Flag-line: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday April 16- Funeral
Location: West Funeral Home, 321 Sheyenne St, West Fargo, ND
Staging 12:30 p.m. Monday, April 16
Flag-line: 1:00 p.m.
Stand Down: When service starts at 2:00 p.m.
Flag-line: At conclusion of service
Dismissal: At direction of RC
February 17, 2018
The ND Patriot Guard has been invited to help send off the 191st Military Police Company as they prepare to depart for Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel. The event will take place at Raymond J. Bohn Armory, 4200 Miriam Avenue, East of the Oasis Truck Stop at 2:00 p.m.
Who: 191st Military Police (FWD)
What: Deploying to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel
Where: Raymond J. Bohn Armory Gymnasium, 4200 Miriam Ave, Bismarck, Ceremony starts at 1400, 2:00 for the non-military.
Staging will be at 1:00 p.m. at the Armory gymnasium, entrance on the South West corner of the building.
James T. Avard
January 20, 2018
We will do the January monthly visit to the NDVC south of Mandan right after the wreaths are picked up. Meet at Flag poles. Could be as early as 11:00am if we have a good turn out for the clean up.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
January 5, 2018
The North Dakota Army National Guard has requested the North Dakota Patriot Guard’s presence at the Welcome Home Ceremony for the 136th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion. The 136th recently returned from deployment to Afghanistan originally stationed in Devils Lake and was relocated to Bismarck.
Date: Friday, January 5, 2018
Stage: 6:00pm for a flag line, Flag Line set inside at 6:30pm sharp.
Where: RJB Armory, 4200 Miriam Avenue, Bismarck, ND, in the Gymnasium.
James T. Avard, 214-2996
December 16, 2017
Wreaths Across America - The ceremony begins at 11:00 CT at the ND Veteran's Cemetery. Each year the ND Patriot Guard sponsors a wreath for every fallen member since 9-11-2001. We will see you there and decorate the cemetery for the Christmas season!
The North Dakota Patriot Guard will stand a Flagline before and during the WAA ceremony on Saturday 12-16-17. Meet at the chapel at 10:00 am ct. Remember your flag and what ever you need to be self sufficient. We will also do the December monthly visit to the NDVC immediately after the placing of the wreaths.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
December 9, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited to present a flag-line on Saturday December 9, 2017 at 6:50 AM, when three youth of our Gold Star families will return to Fargo Hector airport on the Snowball Express on Wednesday. December 13 at 1:52PM.
Since 2006, the mission of Snowball Express has been a simple, yet profoundly important one: Providing hope and new happy memories to the children of military fallen heroes who have died while on active duty since 9/11. In December each year we bring children together from all over the world for a four-day experience filled with fun activities, like sporting events, dances, amusement parks and more.
The Snowball Express organization teams with American Airlines to sponsor events and opportunities for the family members of our fallen heroes to come together for fellowship, healing, and encouragement. The Patriot Guard is honored to be able to have a small part in reminding our families that they are not forgotten.
Staging: Wednesday December 13 at 1:00 PM
Flag-line: for the arrival of our kids
Tony Krogh
State Captain NDPG
November 16, 2017
The NDPG has been asked to present a flag line for a funeral honoring the life of Korean War veteran Coral (Benny) Bardell, Monango, ND. His funeral will be at 2:00pm at William Funeral Home 302 Main Street, Edgeley, ND. Stage time will be a 1pm at the funeral home.
Ride Captain will be George Quigley
November 5, 2017
We are entering that season where we pause to be thankful for all that we have been given - Thanksgiving. How timely in that we also have the opportunity to thank and honor members of the greatest generation. Sunday November 5th our heroes will depart Fargo Hector Airport for an unforgettable trip to Washington DC. They will return on Monday evening with a new spring in their steps. Please join us as we honor them with a flag-line as they depart.
Staging - upper level Hector Terminal on Sunday 5:30 am
Flag-line - until all travelers are through the gates
Monday Staging - upper level Hector Terminal
6:30 pm (tentative)
Remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
October 13-14, 2017
The NDPG has been invited to provide flag lines & escorts for the 164th Infantry Regiment reunion of their 75th anniversary of landing at Guadalcanal on October 13-14, 2017. We will establish a flag line at the Bismarck Airport to greet the heroes at their FINAL recognition event for the 164th Infantry Regiment.
Some members will arrive on Thursday afternoon/evening (12th) and others will arrive on Friday (13th). As flight times are confirmed members will be notified. Escort times/location still being determined.
If you have not had the chance to be present for this event before you are surely missing a piece of history and witnessing the pride and respect of our WWII veterans.
Gerard Schwan
Ride Captain
Oct 7, 2017
The NDPG is conducting a coining ceremony on Saturday 2:00 PM CT / 1pm MT at the Good Shepherd Home
709 4th Ave NE, Watford City ND
Will post a plan if it's riding weather if anyone wants to ride as a group.
Tom Bakken NDPG RC
October 7, 2017
The ND Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life of Kenneth O'Neill on Saturday, October 7th at 10 am CST. Kenneth served in World War II. He was in the Navy as a fire control officer on a destroyer in the South Pacific. He also worked as a mail carrier for over 30 years and had a farm near Fort Rice.
We will stand a flag line at St. Joseph's Church in Mandan (108 3rd St NE). Staging time will be at 8:30 at the church. Remember your flags and be self-sufficient.
Susan Westbrook, RC
September 15-17, 2017
The NDPG has been invited to participate with the military families affected by the Global War on Terrorism for their remembrance weekend. More information will be posted as it gets finalized. What we have so far:
Friday- Stage at the Doublewood Ramada Inn with bikes/flags by 3:00pm. Bikes will be staged at the front entrance to the hotel and a flagline will not be necessary. Members will be able to mingle with the families as they arrive for the weekend in one of the banquet rooms inside until the program begins at 5pm.
Saturday- Escort the families/buses from the Doublewood Ramada to Ft. Lincoln, south of Mandan. Stage at the hotel by 4:15pm. Depart by 4:45pm. Upon arrival at Ft. Lincoln, members will be dismissed.
Sunday- Stage at the Doublewood Ramada Inn by 8:15am and escort the families/buses to the Keelboat Landing / Riverboat at 8:30am for their closing ceremonies. Members will be dismissed upon arrival at the Riverboat and families embark.
September 11, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited to join the family and friends of U.S. Army veteran Earl H. Mondy in honoring the life and service of Earl. Earl served in the National Guard and active duty Army during the Korean War. He passed away on September 6, 2017. The funeral service will be held September 11, 2017 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Minto, ND. He will be buried with Military Honors at the Minto Cemetery.
Location: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 629 – 3 Street, Minto ND
Staging: 9:00 AM
Flag-line: 9:30 AM
Stand-down: 10:30 AM (When service begins)
Stage at cemetery prior to service concluding and set flag-line for arrival of procession.
Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
September 9, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life and service of USMC veteran William J. Cole at a memorial service on September 9, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. at the Buffalo, ND Cemetery. William served in the US Marine Corps from 1963-1966 which included one tour in Vietnam. He also served in the North Dakota Highway Patrol from 1968-1975. Military Honors will be presented by the Buffalo Legion and the Patriot Guard will assist in the presentation of the flag to William’s family.
Staging: 1:00 PM Legion Hall, Strand Avenue & Main Street, Buffalo
Flag-line: 1:45 PM Buffalo Cemetery, ½ mile East of Buffalo on Co Rd 10 (pavement)
Dismissal: At conclusion of short ceremony and Military Honors
RCIC: Frank Hebert
July 22, 2017
The ND Patriot Guard will be traveling to Wishek, ND to conduct a coining ceremony for eight elderly veterans that are residents at retirement and nursing communities on July 22, 2017. We will take a bike ride, have a fellowship lunch together, and conduct the coin ceremony before returning home. Other locations of NDPG members can also arrange/schedule a similar ride from communities outside of Bismarck/Mandan. The local American Legion will also support the event, so we're getting the five names and periods of service for these folks and will coin them as well.
In total more than 13 coins will be distributed to veterans, four of them from WWII and another four from the Korean War era.
If you are available, this is such a wonderful event. The stories the veterans tell are the best. There will be patriotic music, snacks/beverages after, etc. to enjoy.
Stage: Oasis Truckstop, 8:30-8:50am
Depart: 8:50am
Distance: 99 miles
Location: Wishek Living Center, 400 4th St S, Wishek, ND 58495
Time: 1:30pm
July 18, 2017
We honor the life of WWII Navy Veteran Yeoman First Class Thomas Nielson. Stage at Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Church at 9:45 am ct for a short briefing. At 10:00 am ct we will stand a flag line until the service starts at 11:00 am. We will stand down during the service.
After the service we will provide an escort to the NDVC and stand a flag line.
Note the weather forecast shows high 90's so come prepared to be self-sufficent and take breaks when needed. Also remember cell phones turned off or silent.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
July 13, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited to present a flag-line honoring 5 "Hometown Heroes". Five armed services members, active and retired, have been chosen to be honored during the grandstand event at the Red River Valley Fair. They will presented these honors at 7:00 P.M. before the start of the concert. Participants will form a flag-line in front of the stage during the presentations.
Those interested in participating will stage at Stockman's Supply parking lot at 6:00PM. Stockman's is located at West Main Avenue and Stockyards Road (9th St West), West Fargo. You will travel as a group to the fairgrounds. The route in the fairgrounds is gravel but is in good condition.
Frank Hebert RCIC
July 10, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been asked to assist in escorting the 9/11 Never Forget Memorial from just east of Moorhead, MN to the Red River Valley Fairgrounds in West Fargo, ND. Staging will be at Titan Machinery, 3314 – 70th St So, Glyndon, MN. Titan is located south of I-94 from Exit 6 east of Moorhead.
Staging will be at 2:15 PM with anticipated departure between 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM and travel west on I-94 escorted by law enforcement from North Dakota and Minnesota. Various other 1st Responders to include Fire and Ambulance.
RC Tony Krogh
July 7, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been requested to honor the life and service of Donald A. Yoder, U.S. Navy veteran at the West Funeral Home Chapel, West Fargo, ND. Donald served in the U.S. Navy from 1950 – 1954. Within days of Donald arriving at basic training the Korean War broke out. Donald passed away at his home in Menahga, MN.
Staging: West Funeral Home, 321 Sheyenne St, West Fargo 12:30 PM
Flag line: 1:00 PM
Stand down: 2:00 PM during service
Burial service at Riverside Cemetery, 2102 5 St So, Fargo 3:00 PM
A flag line will be posted at the cemetery for the burial service.
Temperatures are forecast to be in the 80’s so plan to be self-sufficient for sun protection and hydration. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles. Cell phones should be turned off or on vibrate during the flag lines.
Thank you for your commitment in honoring our veterans and their families.
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
June 26, 2017
Escort and Burial at the NDVC south of Mandan.
Stage at DaWise-Perry funeral home 4614 memorial Hwy. Mandan ND (east end of the strip on North side) at 11:30 am ct. For those caging meet out at the cemetery no earlier than 11:45 am ct and wait for us to arrive before bringing your flag line flags out. We do not want to interrupt any other service that may be going on. We will stand a Flagline outside the chapel at the cemetery as we normally do. Watch for any changes that may occur.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
June 24, 2017
Gunner’s Mate 1st Class Arthur C. Neuenschwander was a little over two weeks shy of his 34th birthday on Dec. 7, 1941. He never made it to his birthday as he was in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Oklahoma, which was one of the first ships on Battleship Row at Pearl Harbor that was damaged by the Japanese Navy.
After 75 years, seven months and 17 days, Neuenschwander is returning home to Fessenden. Ross Johnson, Neuenschwander’s nephew, said there will be a memorial service in the old Fessenden gymnasium at 2 p.m. June 24, followed by a military burial at 3 p.m. at Hillside Cemetery.
June 24, 2017 Fessenden School Gymnasium, Fessenden, ND
Staging: 12:30 PM
Flag-line: 1:00 PM
Stand down: 2:00 PM
This also will be a rain or shine mission. The flag-line will be posted during the scheduled visitation and be posted at the cemetery.
The USS Oklahoma was hit by eight or nine torpedoes in the first 10 minutes of the Japanese Navy’s attack on Pearl Harbor. The battleship was so damaged by the torpedoes that it capsized at its berth, trapping hundreds of men, including Neuenschwander, inside.
Johnson said where his uncle was stationed in the ship was also part of the ship’s tool shop, including welding equipment and shears, which are large scissors used for cutting metal. When the Oklahoma capsized, all that equipment went flying and likely killed Neuenschwander.
Johnson said a representative from the Navy called him in 2010 or 2011 stating that the Navy was attempting to contact family members of sailors who died on the USS Oklahoma and were buried in a mass grave after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Through the use of DNA from surviving family members, the U.S. Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency was able to identify Neuenschwander’s remains. Johnson said he was contacted by Gerald Bach, a naval officer with the POW/MIA Accounting Agency, to review the information provided by Neuenschwander’s family. The family was notified on Feb. 4 that Neuenschwander’s remains had been found.
Neuenschwander’s remains will be buried next to his parents in Hillside Cemetery. He said he and members of his extended family are grateful for the effort that went into finding and identifying his uncle’s remains.
June 8, 2017
We honor the life and service of Marine James Graf. His funeral will be on Thursday, at 10:00am CDT at Corpus Christi Church at 1919 N. 2nd Street, Bismarck, ND. Stage at the south parking lot at 9:15am and conduct flag line from 9:30am - 10:00am and once again after the conclusion of the mass as the casket departs the church into the hearse.
Weather forecast is looking to be warm with temps nearing 80* by the end of the Mass of Christian Burial. The internment ceremony is delayed until June 15, 2017 (Thursday), or later.
June 8, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited to honor the life and service of FM1C Warren G. Nelson, U.S. Marines. Nelson was assigned to Company E, 2 Battalion, 8 Marines, 2 Marine Division in November, 1943, which landed against stiff Japanese resistance on the small island of Betio in the Tarawa Atoll of the Gilbert Islands. Over several days of intense fighting at Tarawa, approximately 1000 Marines and Sailors were killed and more than 2000 were wounded, but the Japanese were virtually annihilated. Nelson was killed some time during the first day of battle, November 20, 1943. In the immediate aftermath of the fighting, U.S. service members who died in action were buried in numerous battlefield cemeteries on the island. In June, 2015, the remains of 35 U.S. Marines were discovered in a burial site on the island. In 2016, the remains of Nelson were positively identified.
FM1C Warren G. Nelson will be returned to Fargo, North Dakota where a dignified transfer will take place. Nelson will be transferred to Lakota, North Dakota for a funeral service on Saturday June, 10, 2017.
Tentative schedule is as follows:
Thursday June 8, 2017
9:00 PM Staging - West of Terminal at Fargo Hector Airport
9:30 PM A flag line for the dignified transfer at Fargo Hector Airport
Saturday June 10, 2017
9:30 AM Staging in Lakota, North Dakota
10:00 AM Flag-line posted
11:00 AM Funeral Service - flag line stands down
11:30 AM Service at cemetery (G Avenue & 7th St W), flag line posted
May 29, 2017
Join in honoring USAF veteran Leonard "Bud" Eng on Monday in Devils Lake, ND. Leonard passed away on November 2, 2016 in Thousand Oaks, CA . He was an avid motorcycle enthusiast and his family promised him one last motorcycle trip to North Dakota where he grew up.
Escort from the home of a family member to the Devils Lake Cemetery. Staging will be at Holiday gas station located just west of ND Hwy 20 on US Hwy 2 at 9:00 am. We will ride from there to the family member's home. From there we will escort them to the Cemetery for a service where we will post a flag line. The cemetery is located at 14th Ave and 7th St NE, Devils Lake.
This will be a rain or shine mission. Please remember your 3X5 flags and poles.
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
May 27, 2017
The NDPG has been asked to help celebrate the life of SSG David Kuehl. David was killed in action on May 22, 2007.
There will be a short ceremony, stories, and music at the Riverside cemetery south of Breckenridge, MN starting at 10:30 am ct so I think we should be there no later than 10:15.
The family does not want a flag line. It's okay however to have Flags on the bikes. They want us there for support. After the Cemetery we are invited out to the farm for a lunch and visiting. Minnesota is also invited so we may also meet up with them.
Stage: M&H gas station 9th/Dakota Ave. at 9:30 am. We will have a short meeting and leave for cemetery at 10:00 am sharp. The cemetery in only 1/2 mile south of Breckenridge Minnesota so we will not be traveling over 35 mph.
Please private message me or comment on our FB page if you plan on making it to the farm for lunch afterwards so they know how many for food. Also it is 1/2mi of gravel to the farm, but Amy said it's good gravel.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
May 23, 2017
The family of U.S. Navy veteran Peter Mehl has invited the Patriot Guard to honor the life and service of Peter on Tuesday May 23 at 1:00 pm. The service will be held at 1st Assembly Church, 3401 So. 25th Street, Fargo, ND.
Staging: 1st Assembly of God, 3401 So 25th St, Fargo, ND @ 11:30 AM - Southwest parking lot
Briefing: 11:45 AM
Flag-line: Noon
Stand-down: 1:00 PM at beginning of service
Flag-line: At conclusion of service
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
May 21, 2017
On Sunday, the second part mission for Navy Seal Devon Grube who died accidentally on Dec 28th 2016. The escort will start in Cavalier with the burial in Pembina.
Stage: 11:30am at Askew Funeral Home, 209 Elizabeth St. West, Cavalier.
Briefing: 11:45 am with kickstands up at 12pm.
About a 30-minute ride to the Pembina Cemetery. Flag line at the burial.
Dismiss: After family leaves. Depending on the weather channel you prefer, it's a 0 to 60 percent chance of rain. This is a rain or shine mission, drive safe and may need to cage it. We will be driving about 50 MPH and the route will be some county roads for traffic reasons. Remember to bring your 3X5 flags and poles.
Bruce Burgess
Ride Captain
May 18, 2017
The NDPG has been asked to help, among multiple other patriotic groups, escort the Global War on Terrorism Wall of Remembrance from the eastbound on-ramp at Sweet Briar Lake to the Bismarck Civic Center. Staging info, departure time, and escort route is forthcoming. No single group is taking the lead on this, but the Vets Motorcycle Group Honor Guard will lead the escort and act as road guards at 13 intersections that have stoplights. The remainder of the bikes/escort group will fall in BEHIND the truck.
The escort route will be travel east from exit 134 on I-94 to Exit 153 (Kooper Chevrolet/Mandan Refinery Exit) and head south on Mandan Street (past Burger King) and on to the Memorial Highway (aka The Strip). We will travel east down Memorial Highway, across the Memorial Bridge and head for Main Street Bismarck. We will turn south on 5 street and the truck will need to turn into the Civic Center Exhibition Hall parking lot. Because of the large flags that will be displayed on the bikes, highway speeds will be limited to 55 MPH.
The public viewing will be May 19-21 at the Civic Center.
May 14-15, 2017
The WDAY Honor Flight will depart from Hector International Airport in Fargo for Washington, D.C. on Sunday, and return Monday. Organizers hope to take 110 veterans for this flight. The participants will include World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans. The flight provides those vets with the chance to see their memorials free of charge. The Patriot Guard would like to honor these heroes with a flag line for their departure. Please join us in sending them off on their adventure.
Location: Upper level Hector International
Staging/Flag line: 5:30 AM
Stand down: After veterans have entered security (approximately 7:00 AM)
Monday Staging: 6:30 PM
RCIC: Frank Hebert
Please park motorcycles around the curve to the west of the terminal near the rental car lot. Remember your 3X5 flags and poles. This will be an inside mission.
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
April 21, 2017
The NDPG has been asked to honor the life of WWII Veteran USMC Corporal Fred J. Schmidt. Funeral is in Minot, Christ Lutheran Church, 502 17th St. NW. Stage by 8:55am for a short meeting and then conduct a flag line before the service begins.
Bob Koehler is the acting RC
The Burial will be at 3:00 pm ct at the NDVC south of Mandan. Those caging please meet at the chapel at the NDVC south of Mandan at 2:50 pm ct. Please do not be at the chapel any earlier because we DO NOT want to interrupt any other services. Also don't forget your flags.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
April 18, 2017
The NDPG has been asked to honor the life of Calvin Mittelsteadt . He served in Korea and Vietnam. Stage at the east bound exit ramp on exit 153 (the Mandan Ave. exit) at 2:15 pm ct on Tuesday April 18th. We will escort the hearse to the NDVC Cemetery south of Mandan. We will stand a Flagline at the cemetery, so remember your Flags. The service at the cemetery is at 3:00 pm ct. If you head straight to the cemetery please do not be there before 2:50 pm ct because there are other services that day and we do not want to interrupt them.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
April 15, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited by the family of US Army veteran Charles "Chuck" McLean to honor his life and service. The funeral service will be held on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at the Petersburg Lutheran Church, 309 - 5th St, Petersburg. Petersburg is located on U.S Highway 2 approximately 45 miles west of Grand Forks, ND.
Staging: 9:45 a.m at the church
Flagline: 10:00 a.m.
Stand-down: 11:00 a.m. for service
Flagline: at conclusion of service for exit
Escort: approximately 4 blocks to the cemetery
Flagline: at cemetery
Dismissal: at conclusion of graveside service
RCIC: John Waters, NDPG
March 21, 2017
MSG Dominic Anthony burial is at the ND Veteran Cemetery. The NDPG will stand a Flagline on before the internment ceremony at 2:00 pm ct. We will stage at the Redeemer Lutheran Church, 904 8th Ave SE, Mandan at 1:15 pm ct. Hopefully it will be possible to have a few bikes for an escort. Let's stage and decide a plan from there. We plan on leaving for the NDVC Cemetery around 1:40 pm ct. Please do not show up at the NDVC Cemetery before 1:45. We do not want to interrupt a different service.
Arlen Halverson NDPG RC
March 17, 2017
The Patriot Guard to honor the life and service ofMSgt Dominic Anthony Cook, USAF (ret). Services will be held at Faith Lutheran Church, 127 - 2nd Ave E. West Fargo, ND at 11:00am. Dominic served for 19 years in the US Air Force and also served several deployments. He was injured during a deployment and ultimately was discharged from the Air Force.
Flag-line: 10:00am
Dismissal: At conclusion of service
RCIC: Tony Krogh
March 11, 2016
461st Engineer Company is returning home. The 461st deployed on April 7, 2016 and is made up of personnel from North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, Minnesota, Idaho, and Washington. They will be returning on two flights. Upon landing, they will board buses and be transported to the Sanford Health Athletic Complex at 17th Avenue and North University Drive. The Patriot Guard has been asked to join with their families in welcoming the 461st home.
Two-part Mission:
1) First flag line= Location: Sanford Health Athletic Complex, 17th Ave and N. Univ Drive, Fargo. Staging: 1:00 PM at the Athletic Complex. Briefing: 1:30 PM. Flagline: 1:45 PM (Approx). Stand-down: After arrival and reunification of soldiers/families
2) Second flag line= 4:00 PM (Approx). Stand-down: After arrival and reunification of second group soldiers/families
RCIC: Tony Krogh
March 9, 2017
The Patriot Guard has been invited to the Send Off Ceremony for 1st Battalion 188th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) at 6:00 PM as they prepare for their upcoming deployment. The send off will take place at the Sanford Health Athletics Complex.
Where: Sanford Health Athletics Complex, Fargo, ND
When: March 9, 2017 at 6:00pm
Why: Deployment to National Capitol Region (2nd deployment there)
Staging: North entrance to complex
Staging Time: 4:45 PM
Briefing and Flag line: 5:00 PM
Standdown: 6:00 PM
RCIC: Kevin Roseland / Frank Hebert
Ride Captain Kevin Roseland will be presenting a NDPG flag to the unit to take with them on their mission.
Tony Krogh
NDPG State Captain
March 1, 2017
The ND Patriot Guard has been requested by the family of Joseph Burkhardsmeier, WWII US Navy veteran, inducted into the Navy on May 5, 1944 where he served for two years as ship fitter 3/C.
He passed away on 2/25/2017, in Fargo, ND. Funeral is at St. Andrews Lutheran Church, 1005 1st St, West Fargo, ND. Internment at Holy Cross Cemetery following the service.
Stage 1: St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Report by 9:45 AM, Flag line: 10:00 AM, Stand-down: 11:00 AM
Stage 2: Holy Cross Cemetery, Report by 11:30, Flag-line 12:00
Stand-down: Conclusion of service
RCIC: Tony Krogh.
February 18, 2017
The family of MSG Mark McCowan, 3rd Special Forces Grp, requests an escort this Saturday, February 18th, from Buehler/Larson funeral home in Mandan to the New Salem High School for his funeral services.
He will be escorted home with detail and move MSG McCowan to a hearse Thursday. Mark will then be transported to Buehler/ Larson funeral home in Mandan.
January 15th, 2017
Flag line for Devon Grube who died accidentally on Dec 28,2016.
Funeral will be in Cavalier, ND. Sunday Jan 15th. 1:00PM
Where: Cavalier Public School. 300 Main St
Briefing: 11:30 AM.
Flag line: 11:45 AM until 1:00 PM.
Funeral is planned to last 1 to 1-1/2 hours. As of now we will form the flag line inside the school. So plan on bringing warm clothes in case we are outside. Temps for Sunday around 15-20 degrees.
Plan on being self-sufficient. Remember to bring your 3X5 Flag.
In case of updates please check back.
Ride Captain is Bruce Burgess.
December 18th, 2016
The Wreaths Across America at ND Veterans Cemetery is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow Sunday December 18th at 3:00 pm ct. We will do a shortened monthly ride, also, by saying a prayer and releasing balloons by the flag poles.
Arlen Halverson NDPG
December 11th, 2016
Devils Lake, ND
136th CSSB send-off ceremony, deploying to Afghanistan.
Ceremony will be at the Devils Lake High School at 1:00 PM. 1601 College Drive North, Devils Lake, ND.
Quick briefing at 11:30am and flag line by 11:45am. Remember your 3x5 flags.
Ride Captain will be Bruce Burgess

ND PG has been cordially invited to participate in the honor of Officer Jason Moszer. Officer Moszer gave his life in the line of duty, protecting our community from harm. Our Mission is not only to provide a Showing of Honor, Respect and Dignity as his body takes his last patrol, but also to honor his remaining family as well as the law enforcement community. The activities regarding this will occur on 02-22-2016 at the Scheels Arena. A second part of this mission will be at the Hanson - Runsvold Funeral Parlor in Fargo. Details will follow in a later part of this posting.
1. We are fortunate to have the help and support of many in organizing some of this massive effort. We expect participation by some from the MN PG as well as the SD PG. National has also been copied regarding this event.
Ride Captain(s)
Kevin Roseland RCIC ND
Frank Hebert RC ND
Dave Pagel RC ND
Karla Richardson - MN PG State Captain
Dean Foell - MN PG RC
Jim Lentsch - SD PG State Captain
(other associates not yet named)
We look forward to your participation. As always, Honor, Respect and Dignity!
We did the February ride on Sunday February 7th.
Staged at GWOT Memorial 12:45 pm ct. Left for NDVC south of Mandan at 1:00 pm ct.
I want to thank Gene O'Neill for taking the pictures some did not turn out (do to the wind and having trouble standing up, wind was ferocious). Also we did have 10 people today, great turnout with the weather the way it was. We will Never Forget!